When website deploy on server due to process failure HTTP 502.5 error occur.
Generally When deploy website on server and run the website due to process failure this error occur.
there can be many reason to occur this error.
1).NET framework not installed.
2)Installed packages version issue
3)Incorrect path in appSetting config file.
1).NET framework not installed
If HTTP Error 502.5 error occur firstly check installed framework on server and check framework version.
sometime this happen due to mismatch framework version.Application develop in Dotnet Core 3.1 and
framework installed on server Dotnet core 2.2
2)Installed packages version issue
Installed some higher and lower package version is also main reason to occur http 502.5 error.
suppose application developed in dotnet core 3.1 and mostly packages installed in 3.1.0 but some packages
are installed like 5.0.0 but this error not occur on local system because framework 5.0 installed on local system
as when application deploy on server HTTP 502.5 error because only 3.1 framework installed on server
no higher version installed.
3)Incorrect path in appSetting config file.
Third main reason behind HTTP 502.5 error is incorrect path in config file.
sometime error resolved due to make some change in published web.config file
<add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
<aspNetCore arguments=".\your-project.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout"/>
change AspNetCoreModuleV2 to AspNetCoreModule sometime this resolved but this is bad solution.