what is modular monolithic architecture,pros and cons and of modular monolithic,project structure of modular monolithic project.
Here i explained what is difference between ref and out keyword in c# and how to use and where to use. both ref and out keyword used to pass parameters as reference.
SOLID Principles - Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), Open Closed Principle (OSP), Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP), Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), and Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
Lets understand how to implement DI in middleware in dotnet core with example. Where to use interface to call functions.
How to get last executed queries and executed queries logs in mysql with the help on general_log table and general_log_file
How to bind server side data with pagination in table using jquery dataTable
How to access property of dynamic object when property name is a keyword in c# dotnet core
MySql - Count the number of occurrences of a string in a VARCHAR field
Here we discuss some best practice for c# development that would help to create good software.
What is difference between var and let in javascript. Here i will detailed explain about uses of var and let in javascript.
Here We will discuss about what is dynamic query and how to write dynamic query in Stored procedure
What is Null conditional (?) and Null Coalescing operator (??) and how to use it in c#. ? and ?? both are used in handling null value.
How to implement default method in c# interface.
What is Difference between Class and Structure in C#
Here I will explain how to upload file in dotnet core mvc. IFormFile is used for capture transmitted file in http request.IFormFile interface also allows us to read the contents of a file via an accessible Stream.
Here we will discuss about custom authentication middleware and how to configure custom authentication middleware in dotnet core.
How to enable auto redirection to https in dotnet core. use app.UseHttpsRedirection(); in the method Configure in Startup.cs
Here I will explain how to apply client side validation for dynamic forms in dotnet core mvc.
Here i will explain how to create custom and conditional server side and client side validation like required-if in asp.net core.
Custom Server and Client Side Validation in Asp.net Core ,custom unobtrusive client side validation in asp.net core, client and server side validation to check file extension.
API versioning is the practice of managing changes to an API and ensuring that these changes are made without disrupting clients. we may create multiple APIs that may be consumed by many clients.
Robots.txt is a text file that contains special instructions for web crawlers. his file tells crawlers which areas are allowed, and which are disallowed Robots.txt help to search engines to crawl website’s page and avoid unwanted carwler request.
A sitemap is an XML file that contains all URLs of a website.When a website created dynamic pages,It's very dificult for google to crawl and index them.That's why we need sitemap XML file and inculde all the pages url in it.Its help to index them.
When website deploy on server due to process failure HTTP 502.5 error occur. Generally When deploy website on server and run the website due to process failure this error occur. there can be many reason to occur HTTP 502.5 error.
With the help of Bind method in configuration can map appsetting section keys to a class.
Here i will explain how to Implement Jquery tagEditor plugin in dotnet core.